Small Groups and CFS

We Have a Great Desire to Populate Heaven

Small groups are the building block of discipleship in the local church, it fosters relationships with members and integral local Christian community involvement. If set upright, it can provide a comfortable introduction for nonbelievers to the Christian faith. Small groups are the best way for people to participate in focused prayer for one another faithfully because it provides a comfortable atmosphere for openness. Small groups allow for mutual edification among believers; it’s easy to depend upon the professionals to give us our spiritual food. However, the Bible clearly states that God gives every Christian spiritual gift; these gifts are there for the church’s benefit. Therefore, small groups allow every Christian to relate to members of their group.

Most importantly, a small group is great for community spiritual formation because it encourages a better learning environment. Everyone in the group is expected to be involved and participate; when a few people are together; this active involvement is an effective way to learn better.


Blevins, D., G. & Maddix, M., A. (2010) Discovering Discipleship. Dynamics f Christian education.